Friday, May 04, 2007

Keep Your Web Site Content Fresh for Great SEO

In the World of billions of websites, it's getting harder and harder to keep your website in the free search listings of major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The search engine algorithms are looking for fresh new content as part of their total evaluation of your website. So not only do you need tons of quality back links, a good website history, and continuous monthly traffic you need to update your content at least once a week to keep your site relevant.

How do I add fresh content to my site and make it usable to my visitors you ask. Keep your customers up to date with new products, product specials, and latest business news; highlight an employee of the month. Update your website home page with what you think is relevant that will keep you visitors interested as well ass feed the search engines fresh relevant content.

Make sure to optimize this content to target the keywords you are seeking to place high in the free search engine results with. Keeping your content fresh will create a habit of putting more effort into fine tuning your website which can only help you ROI in the long term.

Consider adding rss news feeds to your site, when you update your news, it will go out to your subscriber list as well as post fresh content to your site. There are lots of articles on adding RSS feed script to your website.

So what are you waiting for? Get creative and give you customer's news they can use.

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